Travel – India

My wish is to travel across India, before I die. I prefer travelling by train over road or air. Air is my last priority. One gets to see the real India on stations, in second class railway compartments and more in general class. Of course there is India which is also. traveling by upper class (air-conditioned, three-tier and above). But, majority of India travels by general class and sleeper class and many times without reservations and tickets. Some pictures from my last travel:


On Punctuality

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There is no dearth of people who know how not to be punctual. But, they fail to understand the value of other’s time. I am not sure if I should go to an extent of saying the following:

“Never ever trust a person who knows that s/he cannot make it in five minutes, but still says “I’ll be there in five minutes”. Better even, cut off all the ties with such person.”

Sounds extreme? But that is what I am feeling like now.

कुछ दिन और, कुछ देर और..

इसे ऐसे ही चलने देते हैं 
कुछ दिन और, कुछ देर और.. 
न तुम निकलो अपने कूचे से, न मैं अपने घर से 
कभी मिलेंगे अचानक कहीं  तो सूरतें देखने सी होंगी.. 
इसे ऐसे ही चलने देते हैं 
न मैं ज़िक्र करूँ तुम्हारा कोई, न तुम करो मेरी बात 
कभी कोई बात निकलेगी तो मुस्कुराहटें देखते बनेंगी 
इसे ऐसे ही चलने देते हैं 
कुछ दिन और, कुछ देर और.. 
न मैं कोई शिकायत करूँ, न तुम कोई ग़िला 
हवा का जब रुख होगा… 
तब बातें बनते बनेंगी … 
इसे ऐसे ही चलने देते हैं 
कुछ दिन और, कुछ देर और.. 

To-Do or Not To-Do

To-Do lists scare me. Even if I start writing one, I am sure I will intentionally and consciously miss upon several things, I do not want to do. These might have already become a top priority, like accounts. Anyway, long ago somebody advised me to maintain a To-Do list and become more organised. I started one, but soon forgot where I saved or kept that to-Do list. Also, personally, I find fun in chaos. Organised day and life style do not motivate me.

I have a simple formula here: “Do all things first that you do not like, then all the remaining time is for the things you love.” I have been telling this to my daughter and students both. But wait, I myself do not follow this. Who the hell, would like to start the day with doing things that are not liked?